February 28, 2012

Monday February 27-Thursday, March 1, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

 Learning Target:

I can give an example of a proportion
I can use manipulatives to solve for an unknown in a proportions problem

In Class: 
6.1 Quiz--- Unit rates, ratios, converting unit rates

After the quiz, students went online and solved proportion problems using "Thinking Blocks"


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

 Learning Target:

I can use proportions to solve for an unknown using "equivalent ratios"
I can use proportions to solve for an unknown using the "Algebra Method"

In Class: 
6.2 Notes (pgs 104-105)
Each class participated in solving proportions using real data (Skittles vs M&Ms, etc)

pg 278
 #9 –11 (use the equivalent ratios method)
#17-19 (use the algebra method)
#25 & #26 (solve word problems- you choose the method)
 Wednesday...*** Band Festival****** and Mrs. White is out at a conference*****

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

 Learning Target:

I can use proportions to solve for an unknown using "equivalent ratios"
I can use proportions to solve for an unknown using the "Algebra Method"

In Class: 
Review homework
Practice problems 6.2 Practice B

6.2 Practice B Worksheet (BAND MEMBERS PICKED THIS UP!!)
Problems 1-3 (solve using equivalent ratios)
Problems 17-19 (solve using Algebra Method
Problems 22-25 (solve. you choose the method.)


Thursday, March 1, 2012

 Learning Target:

I can use proportions to solve for an unknown using "equivalent ratios"
I can use proportions to solve for an unknown using the "Algebra Method"

In Class: 
Review homework
Solve "Outrageous Animal Proportions" - in groups
Chapter 3 Test Retake (finish if needed)

Friday, March 2, 2012

 Learning Target:

No school--- have a great weekend...no homework...

In Class: 
