Learning Target:
Use percents to calculate markup, tax, tip, discount
In Class:
Notes for 7.5 Using percents to calculate markup & percent
Read pages 357-359 Review Examples & Checkpoint problems
pg 359-360 problems 1-25 ODD # only!!! Check your answers in the back of the book
Wednesday, April 18 , 2012
Learning Target:
I can use percents and markup to determine the "retail price" of an item
I can use percents and discount to determine the "sale price" of an item
In Class:
Reviewed homework-- saw that most students struggled w/ the notes given my by the sub teacher
Used "real life" examples to :"reteach" using markup to determine "retail price" (900% markup on movie theatre popcorn) and discount example 40% discount on Keen shoes.
page 359-360 problems # 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
** be sure to show all steps***
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Learning Target:
I can use percents and markup to determine the "retail price" of an item
I can use percents and discount to determine the "sale price" of an item
I can use the Markup % and retail price to solve for the "wholesale" original price
In Class:
Reviewed homework
Real life examples--w/extra notes
7.5 Practice B (Mixed up Answer Bank given)
Problems: 1-6, and 18-21 (10 problems)
Friday, April 20, 2012
Learning Target(s):
I can use percents and markup to determine the "retail price" of an item
I can use percents and discount to determine the "sale price" of an item
I can use the Markup % and retail price to solve for the "original wholesale price"
I can use the discount% and sale price to solve for the "original" retail price"
I can use % to calculate the Total Food bill (Tax+Tip+Food)= Total Amount
**** QUIZ---- Next Tuesday, April 24, 2012**********
In Class:
Reviewed homework
Practiced % problems using Whiteboard Review & Chip game
7.3 Practice C Worksheet -- Problems #1-19 ODD# problems ONLY
"Mixed Up" Answer Bank for 7.3 Practice C Worksheet:
$27.72 $24.75 $22.26 $139.50 $292.52 (greater than--- this is an answer)
$86.60 $64.80 $15.85 $41.17 $19.57 $12.79