May 22, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

 Learning Target:

  • I can draw a rectangular prism, "irregular" prism on isometric paper
  • I can determine the volume of a rectangular prism and "irregular" prism using unifix cubes.

In Class:
Students practiced using isometric dot paper to draw prisms
Students "built" rectangular & irregular prisms using unifix cubes
Students practiced drawing their "built" rectangular and irregular prisms

Draw one "irregular" prism on isometric dot paper
Determine the volume of this prism
Complete Page #1 in the Volume & Surface Area Packet
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

 Learning Target:

  • I can recognize the relationship between the area of a base and the volume of a prism/cylinder
  • I can calculate the area of the "base" of a cylinder or prism and use this information to calculate the volume of a cylinder or prism

In Class:
Shared examples of prisms/cylinders in "real life"

Rectangular prisms:
Cake (layers of a cake)
Skyscraper (floors)-- one floor is the "base"

"Canned" cranberry sauce- the kind that can be sliced into "circles"
Stack of "thin mints", pennies, pancakes

1st/6th hour did "notes" pg 218& 219
3rd/4th hour did "whiteboard examples"

**4th hour:  birdhouse/birdfeeder discussion:  please email me any links/ideas***

page 555 problems 7-10 (find the volume of prisms/cylinders)

** Draw each prism/cylinder
*** Show to calculate the area of the base
*** Circle your final answer for volume (units cubed)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

 Learning Target:

  • I can recognize the relationship between the area of a base and the volume of a prism/cylinder
  • I can calculate the area of the "base" of a cylinder or prism and use this information to    calculate the volume of a cylinder or prism
  • I can determine the volume of a "compound solid" ( for example: a  composed of a rectangular prism & a cylinder)

 In Class: 
Warm-up (who gets it... who needs help???)

Review homework
Finish Notes (make more connections to real world)
Find examples of "solids/prisms/cylinders in school
Practice selected problems from the "packet" (compound solids, prisms, cylinders)

page 554 problems 3, 5, 6
page 555 problems: 13 & 14

** Draw each prism/cylinder
*** Show to calculate the area of the base
*** Circle your final answer for volume (units cubed)
