October 18, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Learning Target:  
Quiz 1.1-1.3

Worksheet 1.2 Practice "Golfing" 

Tuesday, October 16 , 2012
**** MEAP TODAY***** Shortened Classes***
Learning Target:
I can tell when the product of 2 integers will be +, -, or zero

In class:
1.4 Packet- Work with a partner to complete the tables and look for patterns

1.4 Practice (On back of the packet) do the ODD # problems only
Wednesday, October 17, 2012 , 2012
**** MEAP TODAY***** Shortened Classes***
Learning Target:
can tell when the product of 2 integers will be +, -, or zero

In class:
Review the "patterns" discovered
Whiteboard review

No homework!!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Learning Target:
Review Adding/Subtracting/Absolute Value for students that need extra help
Extension 1.3 Subtracting Integers sheet for students that earned 80% or better on the quiz.

In class
Quizzes were returned
Students earning 80% or greater moved on to an enrichment activity
Students earning less than 80% continued practicing adding/subtracting/absolute values with integers and to get ready to "retake" the quiz

Some students need to return their quiz signed by a parent.
Students working w/ Mrs. White today- do 1-5 on the Absolute value side of the extra practice
Enrichment students: no homework

Friday, October 19, 2012

In class:

Extension students:  Work on the 7's Activity and Logic Problems
                     Students needing extra help- work on weak Learning Targets to demonstrate mastery. 
                     Retake Quiz will be given next Tuesday!

Finish retake ticket to retake quizzes on Tuesday!