October 23, 2012

October 22-25

Monday, October 22 & Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Tuesday, October 23 : EXPLORE test in 5th & 6th Hours!

Learning Target:  
I can multiply integers with the same sign
I can multiply integers with different signs
 I can evaluate expressions involving multiplying integers, 
                      absolute values and exponents.
                     I can solve  complex word problems integer operations

In class:
Multiplying & Dividing Integers Pre-Test
Multiplication Timed Test
Reviewed multiplying integers and exponents

1st/2nd hour Work on in class (Due @ end of class on Tuesday)
5th/6th hour (DUE ON WEDNESDAY)

pg 25 problems: 9-12
pg 26 problems: 8-15, 25-28, 32-34
pg 27 problems: 40-42, 45-46

Be sure to copy the problems, show work & circle answers
CHECK the odd # problems on pg A11 in the back of the book

Wednesday, October 24 , 2012

Learning Target:
I can divide integers with the same sign
I can divide integers with different signs
 I can evaluate expressions involving dividing integers, 
                      absolute values and exponents.
                      I can solve complex word problems involving integer operations

In class:
Started 1.5 Division Packet
Worked with partners gather data and look for patterns

Go to http://www.toondoo.com/ and set up an account for next week!! If you don't have internet access, you will have time in class to set up your account.

Thursday, October 25 & Friday, October 26th, 2012

Learning Target:
I can have a great weekend!!

Retake Tickets if needed!! See Mrs. White if you need the information!