November 5, 2012

November 5-9, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Learning Target:  
I can create a project that demonstrates my understanding of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing integers.

In class: 
Finish ToonDo Project

Section 1.4- Multiplying Integers
pg 26 problems: 20-25 and 29-34

Section 1.5- Dividing Integers
pg 32 Problems: 20-27

QUIZ tomorrow!!!! Multiplying Integers, Dividing Integers, Coordinate Plane
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Learning Target:  
I can use critical thinking to solve complex problems

In class:
  • Warm-up/Problem Solving:
How many steps would you have to take to walk from Los Angeles to San Francisco?
  (Decide on the length of your average step/stride)

What information would you need to know to solve the problem?

Answer the question showing all calculations.  Explain your answer using at least 2 complete sentences.

  •  Quiz:  Multiplying, Dividing, Coordinate Plane
Worksheet: 1.6 Enrichment- and Extension
Scatter Plots & Correlation Worksheet
 Do questions 1-4 ONLY..!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Learning Target:  
Review for Chapter 1 Test on Thursday & Friday (2 Parts)

In Class:
Warm-up-Scatter Plot- discuss (positive, negative, no correlation)
Work on Chapter 1 Review pgs 41-43 -evens in class.... odds are homework (see below)

  • Finish the Chapter 1 Review
  • Found on pages 41 through 43
  • Do Problems 1-30--  Only do the ODD # problems
Other Practice:
Click on the purple link below to take an online practice test!
** Chapter 1 Test Part is TOMORROW/THURSDAY!!!!*****
***Chapter 1 Test Part 2 is FRIDAY****