November 8, 2012

Quiz #4- Back to the Drawing Board:(

 For some students... it is back to the drawing board:(

After grading Quiz #4, it was apparent many students are not ready to take the Chapter 1 Test.  Students reviewed their quizzes in class and recognized their errors.  After practicing on whiteboards, students were given time to work on the problems listed below.

Quiz  #4 Retakes will be TOMORROW- Friday, November 9, 2012

Students MUST complete the following to retake the quiz:

1) Fix their mistakes on Quiz #4
2) Do the following problems on the worksheet handed out in class today
  • 1.4 Practice A-- problems 9-28
  • 1.5 Practice A--  problems 9-18 and #21
  • 1.6 Practice A--problems 1-18