October 29, 2012

Africa Questions

Need to Know Questions: About Africa
1. Who needs help?

2. Why should we help them?

3. What could we help with?

4. How could we travel there and back (200 students or just a smaller group)?

5. How could we send supplies there?

6. How could we package everything?

7. How much money do we need to help?

8. How many buildings could we help with?

9. Where is Africa?

10. How big is the problem in Africa?

11. What problems are the most in need of help?

12. How many people live in Africa?

13. Is it possible for us to help?

14. How long will it take?

15. What organizations could we work with to help in Africa?

16. What should we help them with?

17. How will our help make a difference?

18. What is the climate like in Africa?

19. What country or countries need help in Africa?

20. How will we get resources to help? Can we ask businesses and companies for

help with money?

21. Can we help to put in a well?

22. Can we send them food?